Basic Bunny Vocabulary
ARBA – American Rabbit Breeders Association
Buck – a male (boy) rabbit
Buckling - a baby male rabbit
Crown – a ridge of cartilage at the top of the head of lop breeds.
Doe – a female (girl) rabbit
Doeling – a baby female rabbit
Gestation – how long an animal or person is
pregnant. A rabbit’s gestation is 28 – 34
days. Most rabbits will kindle on day 31 or
day 32.
Kindling – when a rabbit gives birth
Kit – a baby rabbit
Lop Ears – ears that hang down
Molting – shedding, usually happens in the
spring and fall.
Variety - Color of the rabbit
Weaning – separating the kits from the mother
at 8 weeks of age.
When young rabbits start eating rabbit
grain and stop nursing from their